An Arizona special needs trust is a vitally important account for individuals that are disabled in some way – -usually mentally – and rely on disability income to care for themselves. This income, along with Medicaid, ensures that vital expenses are paid, but it generally only comes once a month and is often not enough to cover all necessary expenses. For this reason, special needs trust accounts are set up cover the gap. Geographic location is not a factor in setting up this type of account; from Arizona special needs trust accounts to those in other areas of the country, there are a number of benefits protected as a result of a special needs trust.

An Arizona special needs trust account – actually any special needs account – will ensure that beneficiary of the account will continue to receive social security income (SSI). This is vitally important for people unable to work and generate income on which to live from month to month. This is a needs-based benefit that often helps to cover day-to-day living costs, such as rent, food, medical expenses and more. The monies from a trust can be used for any number of purposes and not limited to certain types of expenses; from vacations to new furniture for the home, this money is meant to be a lifeline between other cash benefits that are needs-based.

For those living in Arizona, an Arizona special needs trust ensures that the beneficiary is still eligible to participate in the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, which is the state’s Medicaid program. This is also needs-based, which is why extra funds should be diverted to a special needs trust; an increase in income can disqualify a disabled individual from being eligible for Medicaid. An Arizona special needs trust account protects this and SSI benefits to ensure that they continue and aren’t affected by the funds diverted into the trust account.

Trust accounts of this nature also preserve participation in a long-term care system, which covers this set of vital services to ensure that disabled individuals may take advantage of this should long-term complications occur from their existing conditions or disorders.

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