Scottsdale is an amazing city, full of life, both sophistication and history, as well as the latest trends and families of all ages. I know that I say this about a lot of places, but taking care of paralegal issues in Scottsdale like Living Wills is a complete pleasure. My Scottsdale clients are friendly, knowledgeable, and dedicated to their future both in terms of planning financially and medically.

Living Will in Scottsdale, AZ

A Scottsdale Living Will, also known as a Scottsdale Healthcare Directive, is the final word on medical decisions. This professionally written, legally bound document states in great detail certain life prolonging treatments, or lack thereof. A Scottsdale Living Will informs medical professionals in charge of your health whether you would like prolonged treatments (aka life support, etc) in the event of a tragic accident, a terminal illness, or a permanent vegetative state in which you cannot speak for yourself.

Creating your Scottsdale Living Will is a commitment to not only your future, but your family’s.  The last thing that you want to leave your family with during tragedy is the decision to prolong medical treatment or not. This decision needs to be made by you with respect to your family, not by your family as they are under extreme stress. In situations like these, where a tragedy has occurred or an unexpected illness has set in, many times our reason is overwhelmed by our emotions, and medical decisions made by family members can be difficult, often times tearing families apart. Do not leave you family with these tough decisions.

Let us help you sort out the emotional toll that creating a Scottsdale Living Will can create. I’ll guide you through the process, make sure you have all of the most current and correct legal information, and give you time to make some decisions. It’s not an easy process considering the fact that you’ll have to think about some very tough and personal issues.