When you plan for your passing, there are a number of financial considerations you might undertake, from figuring out how much you have to leave for loved ones to the type of account or document you want to use to do so. Many people do rely on a traditional will to stipulate what monies they want to divert towards family members and friends, however, sometimes a Mesa living trust is the better way to go.

For example, a Mesa living trust offers you all of the benefits of using a will document with none of the headache associated with doing so. In other words, if you want to avoid a probate process for your loved ones who are already grieving, then this might be your best way to do so. If you are a charitable person that enjoys diverting monies to your favorite charities, then this is an optimal solution, as well.

Using a Living Trust for Charities

A Mesa living trust is a special account that you can set up at any point. Once you set up this account, you can tie your assets to it, from those that are tangible to financial accounts of all types. If you regularly give to charity or simply want to divert what is left of your assets after you pass away to charity, you can do so using your trust account. You simply stipulate through the trust how you want the monies to be spent and to which charities you want it to go, and the administrators of your Mesa living trust will take care of the rest. This gives you peace of mind when conducting estate planning to know that no matter what, when you pass away, your money and assets, if you wish, will be donated to your favorite charitable causes. In fact, a number of charities receive donations and funds in this way, which those that pass feeling as though they left a final gift for an organization geared towards helping others.

By doing so through a Mesa living trust, you provide your charity of choice with an opportunity to receive the funds without the hassle of a legal process that can tie the money up for some time before the charity in question can even receive it, ultimately defeating the purpose of leaving the organization money in the first place. Alleviate this aggravation by using a trust account to funnel money to those organizations counting on your support.

Need Help?

If you are not sure as to what legal document you currently have contact one of our professionals to help you with your estate planning. They will make sure you have all of your grounds covered and have the right legal documents that best suite your wants and needs.

Contact us today by clicking here!