It’s not often that the importance of a living will is brought up in a nationally televised presidential debate, but last night Ron Paul went to bat for everyone advocating the significance of drafting a living will. In fact, Ron Paul made all estate planning lawyers and preparers very, very happy last night with his strong push for living wills.


Terry Schiavo and Ron Paul

During last night’s presidential debate, discussion turned to Terry Schiavo and the effect that this Florida court case had on the entire nation. Schiavo was a Florida woman who suffered cardiac arrest in 1990 that left her in a persistent vegetative state. Her husband believed that Terry’s suffering should be ended and all medical care ceased. Her hopeful parents wished for her to remain on life-support.

This case battled in courts to nearly 10 years, as Terry Schiavo lay in a hospital bed attached to machines that kept her alive. Both the husband and the parents believed whole-heartedly that they had Terry’s best interested in mind, and yet neither one could come to an agreement on an end result.

The time, money, and emotional toll that this case took on the parents and husband could never be measured. And to think, all of that could be saved with one simple piece of paper. That’s the point that Ron Paul was trying to make when he asserted, more than once I might add, how important having a living will is. No matter where you stand on politics, Ron Paul broke it down to plain and simple; have a living will!

If She Had a Living Will

A very long, emotional, expensive, drawn-out and painful experience can be completely avoided by one fairly inexpensive and uncomplicated document; an Arizona living will. By executing a living will while you have the right mindset to do so can make absolutely clear every scenario in which life-sustaining medical measures should be continued or terminated.

If Terry Schiavo had a living will, her family would not have gone through the near ten years of heartache. She would have legally stated, in no uncertain terms, what she would have wanted done in this specific scenario, as well as many other possible scenarios.

Ron Paul couldn’t have been more right when he said that all of this could be solved with a living will. If Terry’s living will stated that life-sustaining measures should be terminated in that specific situation, her parents would have had to completely, and legally, respect her wishes, no matter how hard it would be. In reality, the predetermined decision made by Terry herself would have saved her parents from even considering a different healthcare decision. With the directive written out in black-and-white in a living will, there would be no room for negotiation and no legal right to offer other alternatives, thus relieving her parents of considering alternative solutions.

Take The Burden Of Healthcare Decisions Away

In any instance of tragedy, such as Terry Schiavo’s, there is so much uncertainty and emotional pain. The very last thing that you want to leave your family with during this confusing, strenuous and emotional time is the tough decision to terminate life-sustaining treatment or not. You need to make this decision before the time comes, if nothing else to relieve your family of the heartache.

A living will can take care of these tough situations. Talk to us today for more information.

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If you are not sure as to what legal document you currently have contact one of our professionals to help you with your estate planning. They will make sure you have all of your grounds covered and have the right legal documents that best suite your wants and needs.

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