Social media has permeated all aspects of living, from planning out a dinner menu to asking someone out on a date, so it only seems natural that a new Facebook app called “If I Die” allows you to plan a final status update well in advance of your possible passing. While this might be a bit tongue-in-cheek, the reality is that it does pay to think about what you would do with many elements of your life while you are alive and in good health, particularly as it relates to things like an AZ living will and a traditional will document. Estate planning doesn’t just apply to those with a vast estate; you could have a dog and a car and feel a need to figure out what you are going to do with both in the event that you pass away. Consider a few tips when planning out your end-of-life decisions to make sure that you are making solid choices:

  • Creating both a will and an AZ living will: Because so many people get the two confused, they often feel as though they have to decide between one and the other. However, a living will talks about the medical decisions you would want made on your behalf should you find yourself in a position where you cannot make decisions for yourself, while a traditional will speaks to how you want your assets to be divided upon your passing.
  • Pre-plan your funeral: After all, it’s your last dance on Earth. If your AZ living will covers medical stuff and your will covers financial and asset-related stuff, consider your funeral an opportunity to plan the last shindig in your own honor. This gives you a chance to choose a casket and make it as financially efficient as possible. Moreover, if you think it may be a financial hardship, you can even pre-pay for your funeral to save your loved ones from having to come up funds upon your passing.
  • Solicit expert advice: From advice on filling out AZ living will documents to filing your will with your local clerk of court, experts can tell you more about what you need in your estate planning arsenal and how to make sure all of the I’s are dotted.

Need Help?

If you are not sure as to what legal document you currently have contact one of our professionals to help you with your estate planning. They will make sure you have all of your grounds covered and have the right legal documents that best suite your wants and needs.

Contact us today by clicking here!