Although it is difficult to discuss a living will, it is important that almost everyone has one, so that their end of life decisions are respected in every circumstance. A medical power of attorney (POA) designates a person as a health care agent to make medical decisions on behalf of another. A Scottsdale living will can be used in combination with a power of attorney to allow a trustworthy health care agent to make medical decisions on behalf of someone if they become incapacitated or unable to make those decisions.

A living will, also known as an advanced directive, gives specific instructions regarding prolonged medical treatments, and is a way to be assured that your decisions regarding your end of life treatments are respected. A Scottsdale living will should be considered for those who are terminally ill, who face the possibility of major surgery, and who want to be sure that their end of life decisions are respected.

Without a Scottsdale living will, end of life medical decisions would be interpreted by a spouse by default or the nearest family member, along with the input of physicians. A Scottsdale living will offers the person you choose for your medical power of attorney guidance on what to do in the many different medical circumstances that might be encountered.

The life sustaining measures such as mechanical ventilation, resuscitation and tube feeding that should be taken if a person is in a coma or seriously injured are normally covered in a Scottsdale living will. A DNR (do not resuscitation) order can be included in a Scottsdale living will, but it is not a requirement. This means that a person would not be revived if their heart stops beating or if they stop breathing.

A Scottsdale living will can be created at any time for a person over the age of 18 and of sound mind, and is recommended as a part of a full estate plan. A Scottsdale living will is not intended to be a comprehensive solution for end of life decisions, but can cover many different circumstances. When combined with a medical power of attorney, it can be an effective way to attempt to cover most if not all medical situations a person might encounter at the end of their life.

Need Help?

If you are not sure as to what legal document you currently have contact one of our professionals to help you with your estate planning. They will make sure you have all of your grounds covered and have the right legal documents that best suite your wants and needs.

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