Arizona End of Life Care

/Arizona End of Life Care

End of Life Planning-Talk To Your Aging Parents

As your parents get older, you start to worry more about their health and what will happen in the event that one or both die. It is never to late to sit down and talk with your parents about end-of-life planning. There are issues that you and your parents can talk about and then go […]

Preparing your Estate for the “What ifs”

No one likes to think about having to prepare their estate for the “what ifs”, but it is important, as it can be a difficult and challenging situation for your descendants if your estate does not have a last will and testament. Take the precaution to prepare your estate with a last will and testament […]

Keep Your Living Will In A Safe Place

Your living will is part of the all-important estate planning package, which you have likely done with a reputable company like Family First Estate and Corporate Services. However, perhaps one of the most important components of this document is not necessarily what is on it, but rather where it is kept. Your Phoenix, AZ living […]

The Importance of An Arizona Living Will and Healthcare Power of Attorney

Many people would prefer not to have to think about medical situations that may render than unable to make health-related decisions without assistance, intervention of the use of an Arizona living will. However, while it is hopefully more of a “just-in-case” planning tool, it is important because you never know what kind of twists and […]

Helping Aging Parents with their Finances in Arizona

Helping your aging parents get their finances in order might seem like a daunting task, but it is important for a number of reasons. Your older parents may no longer have the ability to clearly calculate their finances properly or may not have the desire to do so. Maybe they are both still sharp, but […]