If you’ve been searching for a reputable expert in Special Needs Trust Arizona, but seem to be a bit confused as to pricing, we understand. In fact, many experts in Special Needs Trusts don’t post their prices and seem to be a bit closeted when it comes to discussing costs. I’m not exactly sure why that is, but I’m guessing it’s not good. I believe in transparency, especially when it comes to your family and your future, which is why all of our costs are posted, including Special Needs Trust Arizona costs.

How Much Does a Special Needs Trust Cost?

At Family Trust Estate and Corporate Services, a Special Needs Trust Arizona Package will cost $1495. If your child is receiving Social Security and/or Medicaid benefits, the cost of a Special Needs Trust far outweighs the risks involved with not having one.

Why Are Special Needs Trusts Arizona So Costly?

In reality, creating a Special Needs Trust with us is much more affordable then many of our competitors, simply because I believe in making Special Needs Trusts available to everyone who needs one. Families with children who have disabilities are usually strapped for cash as it is, and having an extra $5000 to $6,000 just sitting around is highly unlikely. According to the Muscular Distrophy Association, most Special Needs Trusts will cost you between $1,500 to $6,000, depending on the company setting up the trust.  Our price of $1495 is actually below market value, which is done purposefully to allow all families the opportunity to have a Special Needs Trust set up.

Costs include 25 years of experience in Special Needs Trust Arizona and California, as well as a supreme knowledge of how the system works, all state laws on the subject, in-home visits, and custom created documents. Another aspect of End of Life Care and Trust forms is that they should never be templates or cookie-cutter forms. There are many, many rules, regulations and Arizona state laws that are constantly changing, and it’s up to me to keep track of those changes. Filling out the blanks on a Special Needs Trust template will put you and child at risk for losing many government benefits.

Why Can’t I Just Leave My Child an Inheritance?

You can, but it absolutely must be protected with a Special Needs Trust Arizona. If you leave any inheritance to the child living with a disability and living off of Social Security and Medicaid, you have put your very own child at risk for losing all government benefits. According to Arizona state law, these benefits are available to your child based on the fact that  they do not have supplemental income. Should you leave an inheritance to supplement the child’s income, it will nearly instantly discontinue their government benefits.

Learn more about Special Needs Trusts AZ here.

Need Help?

If you are not sure as to what legal document you currently have contact one of our professionals to help you with your estate planning. They will make sure you have all of your grounds covered and have the right legal documents that best suite your wants and needs.

Contact us today by clicking here!