An Arizona estate planning expert can help you get your estate’s affairs in place by preparing all the documents that you will need. But, before you visit an Arizona estate planning expert you should ask yourself these five questions to determine your unique Arizona estate planning needs:

1.)   How much do you want to leave to your beneficiaries? –This is a very personal decision, and each person will have their own opinion on the “right” amount that should be left to their children that won’t spoil or deprive them. Before visiting an Arizona estate planning professional, you should have a rough idea on the appropriate amount to leave to your children and other beneficiaries.

2.)   Are there any special cases to consider? – If there are beneficiaries with mental illness, mental conditions or drug addictions, there might be issues with offering them unrestricted access to their inheritance. If there happen to be special cases among your beneficiaries, make note of them and they can be brought up and addressed during your Arizona estate planning process.

3.)   Who do you want to name as an executor? – You should have a list of trusted people in mind that you would like to name as the executor of your estate. Many estate owners will select children, but Arizona estate planning experts will often suggest picking a person who has the appropriate knowledge and ability to do the job.

4.)   Should you leave the same amount to each beneficiary? – Many estate owners feel very strongly about leaving each child the same amount, but each beneficiary will have their own unique circumstances such as bankruptcy or great financial success that can warrant leaving them different amounts. This is another personal decision to consider prior to visiting an Arizona estate planning expert.

How quickly should the assets be distributed? – Your Arizona estate planning expert can help you with this question, but you should take into consideration the age and circumstance of your beneficiaries when deciding on how quickly your assets are distributed. Generally younger beneficiaries may not be mature enough to handle unrestricted access, which is why some Arizona estate planning experts recommend arranging delayed access.

Need Help?

If you are not sure as to what legal document you currently have contact one of our professionals to help you with your planning needs. They will make sure you have all of your grounds covered and have the right legal documents that best suite your wants and needs.

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