Every business owner should take steps to prepare for the event of a tragedy, so that the business can either continue under the direction of another person or be otherwise managed and distributed in the way that the owner intends.

Anyone with a business should have a full estate plan in place so that their loved ones know what to do if the owner becomes severely ill, incapacitated or passes away. A San Diego paralegal and attorney can help a business owner with preparing a full estate plan that addresses all of the complicated issues that may come up.

Solo business owners should have a plan in place

A lot of business owners run their companies by themselves, but that doesn’t mean that they should neglect having a plan in place for someone else to take over. Solo business owners should think about a reliable person that they can call on to manage their company if a tragedy occurs. A San Diego paralegal can help a business owner draft an effective transition plan to allow that individual to take over.

Business owners should work with a San Diego paralegal for their backup plan

Business backup and transition plans can be complex as there are several legal areas that need to be addressed. A San Diego paralegal can help a business owner draft an effective business backup plan, as the San Diego paralegal will work with an attorney to ensure that every legal concern is covered. A San Diego paralegal will work with the business owner to address all of areas such as compensation for the new owner, business equity, taxes, and more.

A San Diego paralegal can help with a potentially complicated estate plan

Estate planning even for individuals without a business can be difficult, but business owners have a whole host of other issues to consider such as taxes on their business, buy-sell agreements, liquidation (if necessary), and many other issues. These complications are why most business owners need to consult with a San Diego paralegal. A properly arranged estate plan with the help of a San Diego paralegal will address every potential concern and will give a business owner peace of mind that their company transition will be smooth.

Need Help?

If you are not sure as to what legal document you currently have contact one of our professionals to help you with your planning needs. They will make sure you have all of your grounds covered and have the right legal documents that best suite your wants and needs.

Contact us today by clicking here!