Are you avoiding the thought of putting together an Arizona living will and trust? If you’re a baby boomer, you’re not alone. According to, 64% of baby boomers don’t have a health care proxy or living will. These are scary numbers, when you stop to think about it, considering that our parents and grandparents aren’t planning for the inevitable.


Too Healthy

According to the article, many baby boomers don’t have a living trust or living will because they don’t feel they need one. Many respondents who were interviewed for the article point out how active they are, how often they workout, hit the gym and go to yoga. What many people don’t realize, however, is that a living will and a living trust is not simply for the inevitable, it’s for the what ifs in life.

The fear of sitting down with a legal professional to discuss possible death is sometimes too much for people, though. And in this case, with 64% of all baby boomers not willing to do that, those families are simply setting themselves up for heartache and increased stress after their passing.

Why Would You Need One?

The article makes a great point, and one that I’m going to quote in explaining why it’s so important to have a living trust and living will:

At 26, Terri Schiavo collapsed at her home in 1990 with no end-of-life care instructions in writing. Her heart stopped and she suffered what doctors said was irreversible brain damage that left her in a permanent vegetative state. Her husband said his wife would not have wanted to live in a vegetative state; her parents wanted her kept alive.

What ensued was a yearslong legal battle that involved dozens of judges in numerous jurisdictions, including the U.S. Supreme Court, and Congress. Schiavo’s feeding tube was ordered removed in 2005. About two weeks later, she died.


This is not a unique story. While these stories might not get as much publicity as the Schiavo case, it happens every day across the nation. There is no excuse for putting yoiru family through additional pain and suffering should something terrible happen to you. Life is unpredictable, and whether you’re a baby boomer, a Gen Xer, or under 30, it’s crucial that you sit down with a legal expert and get your Arizona living will and trust done and over with.

Need Help?

If you are not sure as to what legal document you currently have contact one of our professionals to help you with your estate planning. They will make sure you have all of your grounds covered and have the right legal documents that best suite your wants and needs.

Contact us today by clicking here!